The girls started off the day with a pumpkin party at pre-school. They got to wear their costumes and I couldn't believe it when D told me they didn't want to take their butterfly wings with them. You have to understand......Sofia has been talking about her biiiiiiiiiiig pink butterfly wings for weeks. But it ended up being okay because D and I were trying to figure out how they would wear their wings and their backpacks. I helped get them dressed (i.e. D insisted that I not leave for work until they had their costumes on) -- Sofia was first and as I was putting on her shirt she goes "Mommy.....don't forget my socks-pants!" I mean it makes perfect sense, right? They cover your legs like pants and your feet like socks. Socks-pants. Then it was Livie's turn.....and she wasn't having any of it. She didn't want the tights. She didn't like the pink shirt. The dress was too big. None of it. So I dressed her in a pair of jeans and a shirt -- pick your battles, right? As I was walking downstairs to head to work I hear "Moooooommy....I'm ready to put on my costume now!" Mmmmhmmm.
So the pumpkin party was followed by trick-or-treating at my office. D brought the girls and they were thrilled to walk around looking for candy. We practiced our manners...."Thank you!". We practiced our holiday spirit...."Happy Halloween!". And we practiced counting...."You may pick out one piece."
Aaaaand then it was home for the final event of the evening! We had friends and family over for a quick meal and then we hit the neighborhood for some trick-or-treating. We took the girls last year......Bella was a week old so I made it to a few of our neighbors' houses, and Olivia was done pretty quickly, but this year D and I set out with the rest of the gang and the girls made it up our street (which includes a giant hill as the girls call it) and all the way to the front of the neighborhood. There may have been a little carrying involved as we made our way back home, but they walked their little hineys off. Do butterflies even have hineys? Hmmm. And they were so cute! And all that practicing paid off......they would get up the stairs and say "Trick-or-treat!"......and once the candy was in the pumpkin it would be "Thank you! Happy Halloween!" Oh....and it was usually in unison. Haha!
Where was Bella, you ask? Well - she stayed behind with Grandma and Nana (my grandmother) and helped give out candy. 'Cause she and Grandma are cool like that............
Oh. And here's Grandma with all five of her grandbabies.............
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