Monday, October 4, 2010

I stand corrected

We have tons of flash cards with all kinds of things -- numbers, letters, animals, household objects, etc. etc. and the girls love them. We don't keep them in the toy box because they would be all over the house all the time, but the girls know exactly where we keep them (and, conveniently, they're just out of reach. Smart Mommy.). Usually they stand in front of where the cards are kept and we'll hear " cards?" There's a box that one of the sets of cards came in and they each get a part of the box because when they name the card, they like to put the card in the box top. This entertainment is usually good for at least 30 mins of entertainment. In toddler time, that's like hours - ha!

I must admit - when I'm going through the cards with both girls at the same time, I'll pick the cards they get based on the cute way they say the words. I can't help it -- I know they'll stop that soon enough, but it's so darn cute I can't stand it!! And they each have their own different words: pista (pizza), pomato (tomato), ice crean, e-wanna (iguana) --- Sofia; crock-dials (crocodile), tee-VEE (television), biolin (violin), snowbaby (snowman) --- Olivia. Cute, right??!!

The other night I was going through the cards with Olivia and she turned the tables on me. She started showing me cards and saying "Mommy, whassat?" So I would name the cards. When I would get them right, I would get a "Good job, Mommy!" or "Thas wight, Mommy!" and when I would get them wrong, I'd get "Nooooooooo. Thas not XXXX, thas a YYYY!" You can guess how we respond with right and wrong answers, right?!!!

She was so funny -- I had been getting several animals wrong and she'd finally had enough. (Insert big sigh from Olivia) "No, Mommy, thas not bison........look - thas CROCK-DIALS!" And then she was finished doing cards with me - hahahaha! Well then. I stand corrected.

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