Tuesday, October 5, 2010

35 and still going!

35 weeks, people! And still going strong. Had my weekly appointment today and heard "Keep doing what you're doing!" So of course I'm back on the couch with my barrel.....I mean bottle.....of water to shoot for another week. My appointment is next Thursday and I'll have an ultrasound to see how big Bella is measuring.

Speaking of big..........I think she might be doing pretty well, don't you??!!!!
I realized today that I don't have many, if any, pictures of me pregnant this time so I asked D to snap a couple before we left for my appointment. You know -- since I'm wearing decent clothes only once a week - ha! (Which is a good thing because very few of my maternity clothes are fitting these days!) No need to see all of me but trust me.......I'm pregnant everywhere. Now do you see why I don't sleep well at night?!?! And I'm only going to grow as Bella hangs around and puts on the pounds over the next few weeks. But that's okay -- bring it! (Remind me I said that when I'm complaining in my next post about lumbering around the house - haha!)
So that's the Bella update --- an uneventful trip to the doctor and we're aiming for yet another week.
As for the girls, they had a GREAT day at MMO!!! D said the girls still didn't want to walk in, but Sofia didn't cry AT ALL and Livie cried a little when they got to the classroom door. One of the teachers held her hands out to Sofia and she practically jumped to go to her and went right in the classroom. NO TEARS!! Even Livie's crying wasn't as hard as she has cried in the past. I think we can say one little one down, one to go!! I'm so glad. They missed Thursday for Sofia's eye procedure (and we just didn't think it would be good to send Olivia by herself) so it's been a week since they've been there. A few mornings they've asked about going to "school" and we've been talking it up for a few days. This morning when they went to leave the house, they waved and said "Bye-bye. Go play school!"
It was a good day all around!

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