Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009!

Wow. What a year we've had. It's been exciting, challenging, exhausting, fantastic......just about any adjective you can think of, we've experienced this year. Highs and lows, laughter and tears. All of it. And it's been just plain awesome. I think parenting will always be a work in process...and we'll never perfect it, but I think we're finally finding our stride.

As I look back through our pictures, the girls have changed so much! I pulled out a few from the thousands (literally.....we've taken over 10,000 pictures this year!) and thought I'd post some here so you can walk down memory lane with me!

2009 brought lots of changes......rolling over......sitting up.....first teeth.....first birthday.....crawling.....first words.......standing........walking........the list goes on!
Whew.......we're exhausted....
.................but we can't wait to see what's in store for 2010!
Happy New Year!

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