It's a Halloween preview! You may be thinking that I didn't make it until Halloween to show the girls in their cute costumes, but hey -- we
did attend our first Halloween event tonight! It was "Trunk or Treat - 2009"...a local church had this event this evening where the kids walk by a bunch of cars who had lined up in a parking lot and "trunk or treated" --- it was a fun event and, may I say, quite popular. We lined up half way around the block and waited longer than we "trunk or treated", but it was still a great time. And....a great excuse to show you the girls' costumes!!
My little ladybugs!!!

And Mr. Carter was quite the cute little pirate....complete with a sword and everything! He even said "
Arrrrgh Mateeeeee" -

The church is within walking distance from my sister's house so we loaded the girls into a wagon

and off we went!

Carter was adamant about pulling the wagon.........until he gave it a shot and quickly decided it wasn't for him -
haha! We had lots of fun and the kids did great.....we passed babies around between me and D, Aunt R and Grandma and Carter got his rest in the wagon from time to time but once we got to all the trunks, Carter knew exactly what to do!
I love Halloween......I don't care anything about carving pumpkins - I have 3 that are already carved and you just plug 'em in (although I'm sure that'll change in a year or two!) and I don't like to dress up......but I absolutely love answering the door and handing out candy to all the cute little kiddies in their costumes. I'll sit there as long as they keep coming!! (Well.....within reason, right?!) Hmmmm - I'd better get moving to stock up on candy....ya think?!?!
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