Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Carter!

Carter turned 3 on Tuesday and we celebrated his birthday today at Monkey Joe's. There were tons of kids there - I think there were 3 birthday parties going on at the same time - and it looked like everyone was having a great time. The girls are still too small to enjoy everything, but that didn't stop me from trying - ha! We put Sofia down a really small slide and she wasn't big on it. Then I tried sliding with Olivia down a bigger slide.....I'm not sure if it was the slide that made her cry or my loud laughing that startled her......we'll go with the laughing! Even Papa got in on the sliding fun. I think it was a great way for a 3-year old to celebrate!

The girls are doing really well. This morning I went to get them up and Olivia was sleeping on her belly! She's definitely making progress on the mobility front - she's starting to "slither" (for lack of a better word!) around on the floor and she's rolling a lot more consistently. She's also quite good at going from sitting up to her belly now. We're so pleased with how she's progressing. She also takes up for herself more when Sofia tries to take something away that's in her hands. We knew she would learn quickly!!
Sofia is moving around with ease and I think, as of today, we can say that she's now mastered going from laying down to sitting up. Before today we have seen her do it every once in a while, but today she was up and down....up and down.....or should I say down and up.....down and up. I love the look she gives us when we clapped each time she sat up - it was like she was saying "What's the big deal?"

Both girls have taken to playing at the fireplace - they love to bounce things off of the slate tiles on the floor and we also learned that they've figured out they can drop things behind the grate that's at the bottom (it's a gas fireplace and there's a space under the box of the fireplace where all the wiring, etc. is located - and it's covered in the front with a vent-looking grate). I looked in the space between the fireplace glass and the grate and found all kinds of things down there - haha. We'll have to get some discipline around the fireplace before winter.......although I have a feeling it won't get much use this year.

I"ll leave you with a few pictures from today. Oh. We had another first this weekend -- picking up the girls' lunch from a drive-through (GASP!) We needed something quick and easy to take with us to the birthday party for their lunch so we ran through Chick fil A and picked up chicken nuggets for them. If you cut them in small enough pieces, they do just fine!

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