Sunday, May 3, 2009

Kids are funny!

It's been a great weekend -- excellent weather and time with family and friends. Summer is definitely right around the corner. We grilled out with friends Saturday night and they have 2 little boys who are about 3.5 and 15 mos so it was neat to see them interact with the girls. Well - the older one, M, interacted - the younger, S, wasn't so interested, although he didn't mind sharing his toys. I had never really thought about explaining "twins" to other kids who are old enough to ask questions but our friends, A&J, said they had talked to M the night before about twins. And apparently he had drawn the conclusion that twins were twins because they had the same shirt on.

Of know the girls did, indeed, have the same shirt on. (Come on....this is me we're talking about....Ms. Don't-Buy-Me-2-of-the-Same-Thing-Because-I'm-Not-Dressing-My-Twins-Alike) so when M came downstairs to meet the girls he turned and said "See - they're wearing the same shirt!!". It was so funny!! After meeting them, M decided "They're really cute babies". He was sweet with them. He also decided that Olivia was favorite (I'm not sure what drove him to that decision - ha!) and, interestingly enough, he always knew who was Sofia and who was Olivia. (I think he eventually forgot that he declared Olivia as his favorite- haha!)

It was a nice evening. I can't wait to see how the girls are when they are more interactive with kids.

The countdown has started --- we're heading out for our first family vacation in a week. We're heading to the beach and I absolutely CANNOT WAIT!!!! So much to do - lists to make, clothes to wash - and on and on.

That's all for now -- pictures coming tomorrow!

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