Sofia did something new, too --- she clapped!!!! We've been clapping to encourage them and I was asking her "Sofia - can you clap?" and then I would clap my hands in front of her and then take her hands and clap them. She was watching me intently. When I first started, she was watching me and when I would ask her if she could clap, she would slowly bring her hands together and hold them. After a few more times, she started clapping. Well - "clapping" --- she would hit the top of one hand with the other, but I knew exactly what she was doing! It was quite cute!!! She doesn't clap on demand -- Daddy has yet to see this new talent -- but she clapped a few times for me last night. The she cried.
Olivia........well.........she just wasn't happy. I'm not sure if she's teething or if she didn't feel well - she had a bit of a runny nose, but no fever or other signs of sickness. I just didn't know what to do with her. So.....I took pictures.........
In a better moment (but it's building!).........................................................
Total meltdown....................................
But she still poses when the camera comes out.................................
Look at those crocodile tears....................Just a few quick pictures and then I picked her up and she was fine - no worries! Besides - I need pictures to show her when she grows up, right?!?!?!
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