Saturday, December 6, 2008

More catching up!

I think I told you that I'm behind on postings some pictures so I'm trying to catch up. First, in current events, our good friends T & G had their baby boy on Thursday evening. Baby Javen arrived weighing 5lb 11oz and he is so precious! You may remember D and I visited the hospital earlier in the week to meet our new niece and T & G were there as well. Babies all around! I didn't have my camera last night so I don't have a picture of Javen to post, but I'll get one soon.

In addition to T & G, I've also talked about R & R and their sweet little boy, Preston. They were in town a bit ago and came by for a visit:

I told you Preston was a cutie!!

It's always fun when R & R are in town and all 6 of us (R&R, T&G, me & D) get together. R, Preston's mommy, and I were talking last night as we left the hospital......this time one year ago we were gathering for a Christmas party - no children between us and just look this year - 4 kiddos between us. I always laugh when I think about how that happened - unplanned but so awesome that our kids are similar ages and can grow up together. Say it with me...."What a difference a year makes!!"

Until next time!

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