Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sofia Kathryn

The girls continue to do well. I think I had mentioned before, but all IVs are gone and they're hopefully just working on packing on the ounces (or tenths of ounces) and remembering to breathe. They are 2 weeks old today and working their way towards what would be 32 weeks gestation on Saturday. We're getting clothes together and are hoping they're going to let us start trying to bottle feed this weekend as well. Different nurses tell us different things, but we know it'll come in time. Sofia continues to hover around 2lb 10.4oz and Olivia at 2lb 12.3 oz. We'll see tonight if they've gained anything today. Both girls are at their maximum feeding rates and have been having some trouble digesting the volume but seem to be doing okay. Olivia had quite a bit of residual in her stomach today and you could tell she was uncomfortable........I personally think (you know - in all my medical expertise) she had too much air in her tummy. You can see the milk coming through the feeding tube and there were large sections of air that continued to go in. When I said something to the nurse, she told me it was really a small amount of air, but when she pulled the residual back into a suringe, there was at least half the suringe filled with air. Could be me being too critical...........but when it comes to your kids, is there really such a thing?!?! Half a suringe is a lot for a small tummy.

I go back to the doctor tomorrow for my postpartum visit. He's supposed to evaluate me to be able to drive again, but I couldn't argue with D when he was telling me I won't be driving even if the doctor clears me. I'm not well enough to drive just yet.....I still need help getting in and out of the car and have trouble walking long distances (we're not talking miles, here, we're talking from the front of the hospital up to the NICU). I'm working on it, though! We'll see what he has to say.
Other than baby news, there's not too much else to report. We've settled into a routine and the days are flying by. Here are a few pictures of Sofia since I put up a few of Olivia earlier. She likes to sleep on her belly and on her side and she always does cute things with her hands above her head when she's on her side. The top 2 pictures are more recent - her feeding tube is in her nose there - and the flower hat she's wearing is a preemie hat!!!!! She's a sweet baby but we've already decided she's going to be our drama queen!!!
Until next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The girls are so sweet looking. Just more reason for you to "forget" to take care of yourself and REST woman! Um, you had surgery 2 weeks ago......still need to take it easy. Thank goodness D still has his wits about him. Poor guy is so going to have his hands full with all 3 of you girls! Seriously, don't rush the resting....you need it now for healing and you'll really need it when the girls come home.