We took another step to get ready for summertime.........

Haircuts! My compromise with D was cutting their hair to their shoulders........but no bangs. We've had this never-ending discussion about whether or not to cut bangs in their hair. Well. I wouldn't call it much of a discussion.....D talks....and I don't listen - ha! So today on our way home from having dinner out, we decided to try a new (read less expensive) place. After all. How hard can it be to take a few inches off, right? Well. Hard enough that I'm not willing to try it on my own. Except to cut those few straggling pieces tonight after their bath when I parted their hair in the middle. "Mommy.....what you doing with those scissors?" - ha!
So we didn't tell the girls we were stopping because the last time I said something about getting a haircut......Sofia would say "No, Mommy....because that will hurt me." We walk in the place and it's not busy so they get to sit down right away so we don't have time for them to get nervous. And they did so great! Olivia was actually happy...........

Sofia.......not so much......

After they were done, Olivia goes "But Mommy......she didn't give me anything."
Yeah. Reward system much???
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