Our downtown area has a really nice park and I'm ashamed to say we don't usually make time to visit it. But! Earlier in the week I made up my mind we were doing something fun today since it's the beginning of my long weekend off so we packed up the kiddos and headed out to the park for some fun in the splash pad! The girls were a little shy at first but a group of kids left and the area seemed to calm down so they finally ventured in to the fountains..........
Sofia (L), Olivia (R)



I think this picture of Sofia is hilarious.....


It was impossible to get pictures of their faces since they spent most of their time crouched to the ground waiting for water to shoot out of the fountains. What a great place to go.....we'll definitely be heading back there! So great, as a matter of fact, that my toddlers who lately have been refusing to nap are snoozing away as I type. And I'm off to join them.............
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