Monday, July 26, 2010

Meeting Dora

We had another birthday party on Sunday to celebrate a birthday with friends of ours who have sweet twin girls who turned 1 (including our girls, there were 3 sets of twin girls there -- how cool!). There were a lot of kids there and I was interested to see how the girls would act in such a large setting. I was so glad to see that, after about 5 minutes of warming up, they were off playing and exploring all the toys. It's always neat for me to watch them interacting with other kids. They're pretty quiet and polite girls -- when someone would drop a toy, Olivia was usually right there to pick it up and hand it back. So sweet and I hope she stays that way!!

There was a special guest....DORA. If you've not been able to tell, my girls LOVE Dora. They ask for her all the home and in the car. We only have a couple of DVDs we use (and I don't even need to tell you how tired I am of hearing those!) but when I tried to play one of the many Disney movies we have, I was met with tears and "Dora! Dora!"

Anyhow -- we were wondering how the girls would react when Dora arrived.........

"Who? Dora is here? She's really here?" (Sofia)
"No Daddy!" Olivia didn't want to give her "five"
Ultimately both girls were perfectly content to watch Dora from the comfort (safety?) of Daddy's lap.
I wasn't surprised they were so shy about Dora and I think, had she stayed awhile, they would have warmed up to her, but they were so excited to see her. They were pointing and clapping and squealing "Dora! There she is!"

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