Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sofia....close up

Just a few cute pics of Sofia from the last week or so. Her hair is getting so long and it's getting harder and harder for us to convince her to keep the hair clips in her hair!

Here you can see the newest of her teeth......the one to her left of her bottom two.

All that teething must be why she does this all the time:

And another one just because! We've been trying to figure out what color her eyes are. For the longest time they looked like they were going to stay blue.....then they turned to sort of a steel blue color and started getting some tinge of brown. Now they're really just as much brown as they are a gray color. Very unique, I think. We'll have to come up when a color for the day when she asks us "Mommy...what color are my eyes?" "Well, honey, they're sort of................" - yeah - that won't work, will it?!?!!

Our sweet Pia.

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