Monday, May 25, 2009

What you REALLY need when you have kids

I read a lot of baby books when I was pregnant. (Who cares that my doctor and husband finally demanded I stop!). I asked for advice from moms. I perused baby registries. With the exception of strollers (ha - that's another story for another day, but let's just say I have 3 sitting in my garage), I thought I had this "needs for baby" thing nailed. Nailed.

Not so much.

So - I'm here to tell you a few items that were left out of all my reading. Write this down, people - this is crucial information!!

A good tool set (I recommend many kinds and sizes of screw drivers)
Every kind of battery known to man - and several of each.
Extraordinary analytical be able to decipher those assembly instructions that never make sense.

Unfortunately these things aren't stocked at your local baby supply store!

Oh - and make sure you check your sense of humor........'cause after you use everything above to assemble the coolest toys around, your little one will give it one look.........and continue playing with the wash cloth she's been tossing around for the last hour while you've been assembling said awesome toy.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

OK. My curiousity is killing me. What were you guys putting together??