Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Good reports and chunky babies!!

Just got back from our appointment at the follow-up clinic. The PT said the girls look GREAT. I wondered, for just a moment, if we were being the proud parents and telling her that our kids were perfect and doing all the things they should be......and even some they aren't. That was in response to her question "How do you guys think they're doing?". I stopped D when he said he thought the girls could pretty much sit up by themselves. Noooo, honey, they really can't. I did the "make eye contact with the be quiet look". He's so funny.

We've done a good job of helping the girls to not favor their right side (and let's give them some credit, too -- they've done a good job of cooperating) so their heads are starting to round out and their motor skills are where they should be. They'll be 5 mos, chronologically, on the 27th and 2.5 mos adjusted.

And for the weight!! Sofia weighed in at 10lb 6oz, up from 9lb 15oz at the end of September and Olivia, our chunky girl, was 11lb 1oz, up almost a pound from the end of September!! They have no concerns about their eating well!! Holy cow - big girls!!!

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