Thursday, June 26, 2008

June 25th, 26th

Excuse me for falling behind. Honestly.....the girls aren't home yet and there still aren't enough hours in the day. I can only imagine once they come home. D and I are trying to make sure the house is'll forever be a work in progress but we're going one room at a time and cleaning carpets, de-cluttering, re-arranging, etc. Since D is comfortable with letting me drive, he's also comfortable with my doing housework. Maybe I shouldn't have pushed so hard to drive..............ha!

We've had a great past couple of days with the girls. On Wednesday we tried bottles with both girls. This was Olivia's 3rd try and Sofia's first. We felt like Sofia would take to the bottle fairly quickly and we weren't disappointed. Both girls get close to 30ml per feeding (the amount is determined by their weight) and Wednesday Sofia drank half her bottle and Olivia drank a little less than half. Not too shabby given they're not even supposed to be able to drink from bottles yet. The suck/swallow/breathing reflex typically develops beginning at 34 weeks gestation - our girls would have been 34 weeks this coming Saturday. Our girls are rockstars - hahaha. In Olivia's defense, she first tried the bottle last week and it was way too early for her. Now both girls are trying one bottle a day and this evening Olivia drank all but 6ml and Sofia drank just a little less. They have to be taking all their feeds from bottles for at least 2 days before they let them come home (in addition to weight gain and temperature) so we're on our way.

D was hilarious on Weds when he had to burp Olivia for the first time.....he was barely tapping her back. When our nurse was showing him how to burp her, he said "I just can't hit her that hard." He proceeds to "hit her that hard" and was apologizing with each tap - hahahaha.

We also gave the girls a bath on Weds night. Our nurse brought in heat lamps and we had a padded table with a little tub for the water - it was quite the set up and boy did those lamps work. I wasn't sure what to expect from the girls but they did very well. I don't know if it was exhaustion from the bottle feeding or if they truly enjoyed it......I'm sure we'll figure that one out in no time!! They were so cute and we got tons of pictures.

Finally for the weight gain........this evening Olivia weighed in at a hefty 3lb 12.2oz - getting close to a pound over her birthweight (2lb 12.6oz). Sofia was close behind at 3lb 8.Xoz (my notebook is downstairs). I can't believe it. Preemie clothes finally fit them!!!

Here are a few pics:
(1) Olivia in her first "dress"
(2) Sofia in her first "dress" - she likes to peek out of her right eye!
(3) Sofia taking her first bottle
(4) Daddy & Olivia
(5) - (7) - Sofia's bath
(8) - (11) - Olivia's bath


Anonymous said...

I love these pictures! Go Demetrio girls! They will be home before you know it. Woo HOO!!!

Anonymous said...

Andrea and Daniel
They are so prescious! I can't believe how fast they have grown.
Your days and nights are about to get shorter. I know you are up to the challenge. Jennie finally sent me the blog yesterday!

If you need any help just give me a call. Preferably not at 2 AM.
Love Susie