Monday, January 1, 2007


Happy New Year! I can't believe it.......... 2006 is gone. I sit here in my recliner almost in see.....I have to go back to work tomorrow. It's been 2 wonderful and eventful weeks and, just like 2006, - they're gone. haha....I know, I know -- "do you want some cheese with that whine"!!

We had a great Holiday. It was quite busy with last minute running around and trying to knock some "to do" items off my list. I raked the backyard (paid for it dearly the next day), organized some closets and rooms (although not all) and various other things. All in all, a successful vacation!

We started Christmas Eve at Robin's house in the afternoon with Robin, Chad & Carter and my parents to spend time together and open gifts. We have some cute pictures of Carter sitting in the sea of gifts around the tree. Then it was on to Daniel's parents' house to celebrate with his parents, his sister & her husband, his brother and our niece. Lots of fun and we probably got home around 12:30am. Being busy was good -- you see -- on Christmas Day I was making my very first turkey and dressing so I was quite nervous - haha!

Those of you who know me would be all of you reading this since I didn't send the link to complete strangers - ha! Anyway -- most of you know that I hate cooking. I've learned that I need to change from "I can't cook" to "I just don't enjoy it"- -- because I can, actually, cook....I truly just don't enjoy it. But! Turkey and dressing it was. And I must say it turned out GREAT. Nothing like my first turkey to feed 15 family about trial by fire - hahaha! JBE even prayed for the bird - hahaha. When I told him I was making turkey his response was, after quite a bit of silence, really???.....seriously??? (I'll have to explain the really....seriously thing one day....for now it'll have to stay an inside joke, although I think you get the gist of it). I'll include a picture of the turkey at the end of this posting.

Christmas day was great -- 15 family members and a few kiddies at our house. Daniel and I exchanged gifts Christmas morning and I must say....I'm the coolest wife ever!!! Daniel has been talking about golf clubs for a month and guess what Santa brought. Mmmm hmmmmm -- golf clubs. Big points for Andie - haha! As for me -I'm VERY much looking forward to my DAY at the spa....including lunch. AWESOME --apparently I've been very good this year. Either that or he things I'm very stressed out - haha!

Had a nice second week of vacation -- saw a few movies....The Persuit of Happyness (good movie, but if you've seen any of the appearances that Will Smith has done (i.e. Oprah), you've seen most of the movie in all the promo clips), The Good Shepherd (I was lost after the first 5 minutes....the movie kept switching from present time to past back to present to was hard to follow. Of course, Daniel got every minute of it so we spent the drive home with him explaining the point of the movie. I was hoping for better from that one) and Holiday (very cute chick flick -- nice way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon). On our way home from the movie on Sunday, we (mom & I and another friend) witnessed a car accident right in front of us. Everyone was okay (meaning the 3 cars that were involved) and my mom reacted perfectly. We were on a 4-lane highway with a median and a car coming towards us apparently hit water, crossed their 2 lanes, the median, our lane and hit the car in the far right lane that was going in our direction and just in front of us. That hit sent the car spinning back across the road, again in front of us, and hit a car in the far left lane (going in the opposite direction that we were going) and both of those cars went over the sidewalk off the road. It was like watching it happen in slow motion. We ended up in the median and luckily the car didn't hit us...although we don't know how we were missed, it was that close. Very scary and again, everyone in all 3 of the cars involved appeared to be okay.

New Year's Eve was spent at both our parents' houses --- we started at Daniel's parents' house for dinner and then went to my parents' house until midnight. We were home shortly after that......we're quite the party people - hahaha! Neither one of us has ever been big on going out for New Year's.

Which brings me back to today.....January 1, 2007 sitting in my recliner near tears - haha! I took down all the Christmas decorations and one would never know that Christmas has just passed. But! On to 2007.

That's about it, in a nutshell!! Vacation has been awesome and I'm only kidding about the near tears part -- I'm ready to get back to work. That's a good thing because busy season -- here I come! I'll do my best to update our blog at least once a week.

Happy New Year!!!

Until next time............

Carter on Christmas Eve.

Daniela on Christmas Eve
Grand-Nana and the great-grandsons!

My turkey!!

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