Since the girls have started walking, their talking has really taken off as well. The PT told us to expect everything to just converge, and boy has it ever! I've said before that I've never wished each stage away - that I wanted to enjoy each one as it came, but I've been looking forward to when they started talking to hear the funny things they would say. And they have not disappointed! Here's a list of the words or phrases the girls are saying fairly regularly:
Hi baby!
No no no (used in the correct context both on themselves when they're doing something wrong, or when calling eachother out when the other is doing something wrong)
Hi gorgeous (Hi gor-gus)
Baca (spanish for cow)
Bless you (bass you -- Sofia said to Olivia when she sneezed)
Yogurt (yo-go)
I love You (I uv you)
I'm gonna get you (I get you)
Hi Sissy (to eachother.....although Mom....if you're reading this.......I'm not a huge fan!!)
Go! (to Barley when he's in their way.....apparently we say this alot!)
yes (yeah)
si (yes in spanish)
night night (nie nie....both when we ask them if they want to go and sometimes when they're ready, they tell us on their own)
ball (baw)
bath (baf)
bye bye!
hello (hewo)
more (mo ...and usually with the sign for more)
Barley (barbie and many times "hi barbie!")
yeah baby (i have no clue where Olivia got this from!)
shoes (and they also put the shoes on their feet)
Whew! That's all I can think of at the moment....and that's a lot of talking!! And as you can see.....all that talking makes for tired babies...............

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