I wasn't sure how our day was going to end given that we started it with a trip to the doctor's office. Our first Saturday trip. Earlier in the week Olivia started running a fever off and on, but by Wednesday evening she had a great dinner and we thought she had it kicked. The crabbiness continued and this morning as soon as I walked in to their room, the crying started.....and went on.....and on......and on. Waking up to that plus a low-grade fever helped me decide it was time to head to the doctor. We got in quickly and an hour later left with a mild ear infection (well....we came with the infection we just didn't know it yet - ha.) and antibiotics. Sofia just finished her round and now it's Olivia's turn. Hopefully this round will knock the bug out of our house for good.
Since Miss O is under the weather, our plans with friends were cancelled and we were so looking forward to getting the kids together, but we have a rain check and will definitely make up for it soon. Miss O had a big day and didn't last very long........

Although she turned in early (I mean seriously early....I'm not sure she even made it to 7pm...), we had to get some pictures with the girls in their costumes:

For Miss Pia, it was all about the candy...........

I should apologize to those kids who received a candy bar that wasn't in one piece.........and possibly just a little melted from being held maybe just a little too long - ha! She had the best time tossing the candy out and then we put it back in......she tossed it back out.....and on and on. When the doorbell rang, I would pick up the bowl to deliver candy to the goblins and Sofia would cry. We finally got smart and gave her another bowl so that she wouldn't miss one if we took it - haha! She would have sat there for hours had we let her!
Oh! We have a new milestone! Daniel said on Thursday he looked over at Sofia and she was standing up in the middle of the family room.....with nothing around her. She stood up by herself!!! I finally got to see it on Friday and it's absolutely adorable. I just love the look on her face when she's standing there --- she's so proud of herself!! See for yourself......she can even stand up with a little bit of extra padding - ha!

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